
All Things Are Created By Mind by Zen Master Seung Sahn

A long time ago in Korea, a famous Sutra Master named Dae Oh Sunim traveled to Hae In Sah Temple lecture on the Hua Yen Sutra. He concluded his week‘s teaching by stating, "For forty-nine years, the Buddha taught only one word: ‘All things are created by mind alone.'"

After the talk, there were many questions and answers. Then one young Zen monk stood up and asked, "You said that things are created by mind alone. My question is: where does this mind come from?" Dae Oh Sunim was completely stuck, and could not answer. Do you understand? If not, go ask a tree. The tree will answer for you.

By Zen Master Seung Sahn. Commentary from The Whole World Is a Single Flower, #26: All Things Are Created By Mind Alone