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The Kwan Um School of Zen
The heart of the Kwan Um School of Zen
is our practice. Zen Master Seung Sahn
very simply taught “Don’t Know”. This
means in each moment we open unconditionally to all that presents itself to us. By doing this, our innate wisdom
and compassion will naturally breathe and flow into our lives.
The Zen centers of the Kwan Um School of Zen around the world offer training in Zen meditation through instruction, daily morning and evening meditation practice, public talks, teaching interviews, retreats, workshops, and community living. Our programs are open to anyone regardless of previous experience.
The School’s purpose is to make this practice of Zen as accessible as possible. It is our wish to help human beings find their true direction and we vow and to save all beings from suffering.
Becoming a Member in North America
Your membership in a participating center or group makes you a part of the Kwan Um School of Zen sangha (Buddhist Community). Your dues help support teaching activities on local, national, and international levels. Membership benefits include discounted rates at all retreats and workshops at KUSZ member Zen centers and a subscription to Primary Point Magazine. (In other parts of the world, contact your local affiliated Zen center or regional head temple.)
To set up a monthly membership with your credit card, visit
To pay by check:
- Please choose a North American Zen Center. If you are not located near a Zen Center, you may become a member of the head temple, Providence Zen Center.
- Print and fill out the membership form.
- Please mail the form with payment to: Membership: Kwan Um School of Zen, 99 Pound Road, Cumberland, RI 02864
If you have any questions, contact the office at 401-658-1476 or email